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FF Advice
CanonJ  •  yesterday

What wrs could I get by offering the 1.03 and 2.02?

A440 yesterday

Close to London, Nico area, I’d think. Probably Ladd around the 1.03 Puka or BTJ would probably be pushing it. Or could go lower for MHJ, Odunze, Worthy, Rice, AJB.

OldeManStrength yesterday

Agree on value with @A440. Although any of those WRs listed aside from Rice and Worthy if I was the owner would want both picks. Puka and BTJ would need a starting player added to pick package and Nico, London , MHJ and Brown I would most likely want a player instead of the 2.02 as part of the package. All that said. Unless I needed rb I wouldn’t give up any of those WRs in exchange for receiver class this season.

Steven yesterday

SF or Single QB

Steven yesterday

I’d target the London Ladd AJB tier but wouldn’t be surprised if you can’t get those guys

Steven yesterday

JSN maybe

Steven yesterday

Pick will go up in value come draft day

A440 yesterday

Agree with @Steven also forgot about JSN (though his value is kind of in flux…I probably wouldn’t pay that much for him). I mainly agree that waiting until after draft for SURE, if you are looking to move any of the top 3 picks. Would probably say any of the top 5 picks should be held for now, unless you’re getting ridiculous value. Those picks will go up quite a bit

cwmoorez yesterday

definitely wait until closer to the start of the year, but if you package the 1.03 and 2.02, you could get a number one receiver, I obviously don't know how your league values players and picks so you might have to throw in something, a bench player or maybe a 26 third to make it look good, but I would do that and try and get Lamb, Amon, JJ, someone I can count on for 15/20 points a week

iconstant100 23 hours ago

I have AJB and would take that offer for him

SrySmthJxn 21 hours ago

I wouldn’t pay the 1.03 for Worthy

OvertheHilll 19 hours ago

Maybe marv?

ChristIsKing21  •  42 seconds ago

Bucky or Jeanty in dynasty? Redraft if he’s a 3 down back?

TheDailyStruggle  •  48 minutes ago

12 team SF Nix, Ray Davis and 2.02 Or AJ Brown and mid 26 1st

kingjuno33  •  48 minutes ago

Question for you guys How do you feel about jeanty? Does the fact that he played in a weaker conference and got shut down by Penn state make you concerned? 104 yards on 30 rushes 3 ypc Ok maybe not (shut down) but you get what I'm saying

FearDaReaper23  •  1 hour ago

Dynasty SF 10 man Puka Garrett Caleb 26 2nd Or JJ Hurts

vinnypom  •  2 hours ago

How do you feel about Olave in dynasty ? Is he a sell or a buy ? Im little bit scared with the concussions

M1KEL98  •  2 hours ago

1 QB league, PPR 12 teams. Last year traded Kyren Williams for Nick Chubb and a first pick that became the 1.10 Was it that bad?

tig0  •  2 hours ago

Thoughts on McMillan with Godwin on the way out??

RaidersBaby  •  2 hours ago

SF 10 team start 9 Give: Odunze, Pitts, (2) 26 seconds Get: Jeanty QBs: Hurts, Kyler, TLaw, Carr RBs: Bijan, Breece, Kyren, Charb, Benson WR: JJ, CD, Marv, London, Rome, Mims TEs: Bowers, McBride, Pitts, Sinnot (4) 26 firsts (4) 25 seconds And No. I didn’t win the damn Ship..! How do I get this dude to give up the 1.01?