The Raiders are considering Russell Wilson and Sam Darnold, per @MikeSilver
Stick with AOC tbh
I was talking bad about the stafford news. I’m sorry, I’ll gladly take him over these two.
PLEASE let Russell Wilson’s career die in Las Vegas
Imagine saying that two years ago
dear God no
I'd take old Rodgers over both
Darnold is Nick Foles. He is good in specific offensive systems. He will fail outside of Minnesota.
why not kirk cousins ?
Get A A Ron !
Silver doesn't know shit about the Raiders.
A rod and Kirk are trash. A rod on his last leg and my third cousin is better than kirk
Might as well get Brady
Just spend the money on Stafford instead please
Stafford staying with rams it’s been reported
trust me bro
Why is this news? Can we just report that the Raiders are considering every available QB not on their roster?
Russ and Pete reunion? This should go well.
Damn i get put in timeout cause i said russ is collecting colors like shaq😭😂
This is great news! -DEN fan
But I heard Brady and Stafford ran into each other at the same orgy or something and now Stafford plays for the Raiders
Why not Rodgers? Oh yeah, he fucking sucks
They should trade for Sam Howell
Raider Country, Let's Raid!!! 😂
Likely they get Darnold and hes back getting destroyed