Keep/Trade/Cut Breece Hall, De'Von Achane, Bucky Irving 🤔
Devon Bucky breece
Keep bucky trade achane cute breece (I want a rb not a slot receiver)
Keep Hall Trade Bucky Cut Achane
Keep breece Trade Bucky Cut Achane. Bucky is so overrated and will be valued so high for some reason. Breece is the best out of all these guys
@ACOsman10 why did you put your fav team as the cheifs if your a bear fan
keep hall, trade bucky, cut achane
keep bucky, trade achane, cut breece.
In the order listed
Keep Bucky Trade Achane Cut Breece
keep bucky trade achane cut breece
i have faith in bucky
and achane is fairly injury prone so an injury is more likely than not
Dynasty Keep Irving Trade Achane Cut Hall Normal Keep Achane Trade Irving Cut Hall
Keep Bucky trade achane cut hall
With Rodgers gone breece hall production will go up
keep breece he's a beast and Roger's is gone. trade achane be you will get more for him than bucky. cut bucky bc he's simply not as good as the other 2..
Whoever is cutting hall is delusional
all these guys are good and young
Keep breece Trade Bucky Drop achane
Keep Achane, Trade Bucky, Cut Breece
Breece, Achane, Bucky. Sorry someone had to say it