What team has the most loyal fanbase in the NFL? I’ll go first:
Cincinnati. Not even close.
Vikings fs
hell nah
Dallas Mavericks 😭
Cincinnati. Not even close
Eagles fans are most loyal and it’s not even close…Go Birds🦅
Browns 100% no matter what happens and how bad are organization is and how bad are team is we stay loyal, go browns
Jets, Vikings, Browns and Lions.
No SB rings.
NFC north as a whole has very passionate fans. Philly fans seem pretty strong, and I’d also say browns fans as well. Browns might be the only team to have it worse than the lions, but like our fans. Still selling out the stadium. Obviously lions have turned things around for now, but we always had full seats.
Easy to say when their on an up the last 5 years
Steelers 💯%
Cincinnati. Not even close and I’m a Steelers fan.
Buffalo 🦬
Buffalo we have the snowiest stadium and we're almost always packed
I'll go first prompt ... 👎🏼